9 Hairstyles Style Boho-Chic
A wild and wet look appeals to all! However, the hippie age as opposed to the carefully coiffeured look is back and you can now afford to be carefully careless with a beautiful boho chic style. Why bind yourself with perfect ringlets or pin and tease your hair until it looks completely unnatural.
Think trendy, think disheveled and think ethnic! This is the way the world is going to love you. So pick up your set of hair brushes, jeweled pins and combs to tease your hair and throw them straight out of the window. Go for a carefree, natural look that is all the rage now.
A no fuss look that allows you to look wild, yet gives you the freedom to move around unabated is hip too. Tie up half of your hair on top and let a couple of strands caress your face, you will never look as beautiful again! Securing your hair by means of a cute headband works wonders too! A clean look that will allow you to remain functional even in the sweltering heat! Do not run a comb through your mass of tangled curls, the next time you take a bath. Simple let them be and spray a voluminous gel carefully over your head. You look like Sleeping Beauty just up from her long nap now. What about braiding your long hair rather carelessly? Let a few loose ends escape and you are done! Now you have achieved the classic I’m a working girl style. Learn to keep it that way.
Trying your long hair in knots or a beautiful gypsy like braid helps you to up the oomph factor too. What guy can resist you if you look like you have just floated in from a dream world? Remember that less is more when it comes to the boho chic style. The uncombed, careless look works every time.

Long hair, breaded below captures your essence

Too bothered to tie your hair up look

Sensual looks with cascading hair

Untidy knots help you look hot

Cool bun and braids

Braids, braids everywhere

Sleepy yet?

The starry hair and million dollar gaze

Cool long plait that swings