The different types of resin

Did you know? There are two types of resins: slow-acting resins and fast-acting resins. But what are the differences? Today, the nail expert Maryton will explain everything to you in this article.
Fast-acting resin
Fast-acting resin is designed to dry much faster. If you try, for example, to take a ball of powder, you will notice that it will freeze on the brush before you even place it on the nail. It is not with this type of resin that you will be able to achieve effects with your powder.
It will be more useful if you only apply a full color and you manipulate the resin fairly quickly. It is also very useful for gluing your prostheses, in 5 seconds your prosthesis will no longer move and will be securely in place.
Slow-acting resin
Being a slow-drying resin, pellet resin allows you to work on gradients, inlays or other decorations at your own pace. You can work it into a ball, as its name suggests, in order to take only the quantity of powder desired to create gradients or even small touch-ups.
You can also use it to make full colors and take the time you need to properly dust the layers of powder. As it will not dry instantly, you have the time you need to complete a nail application at the pace you want.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I recommend investing in some professional manicure kits to care for your nails.
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