Why this American nail technique?

If you are looking for false nails that allow you to live without fear of nail breakage, while having a shiny finish. The American technique with Gummy Tips is the one you need to try urgently! Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will explain to you.
For the ease of installation of course, the speed to obtain a stunning result. But not only: the resistance of the gel capsule is fantastic. The nail is not brittle, on the contrary it is robust while being feminine and well shaped.
You can obtain a very distinguished and classic French Manicure type finish, or on the contrary a colorful, flashy, unique nail…With an identical and very short exposure time.
Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I also advise you to invest in a complete professional manicure set to care for your nails!
Read also: How long does a Gummy Tips pose last?